Fred Rees Garages announces Paul Sartori as charity partner

Fred Rees Garages, Haverfordwest are pleased to announce that Paul Sartori Hospice at Home has become their nominated Charity Partner. Paul Sartori is a local charity that enables people in the later stages of any life limiting illness, to be cared for and to die at home with dignity, independence, pain free and surrounded by those they hold most dear if that is their wish. As of this month, Fred Rees Garages will be supporting the Paul Sartori Foundation with donations from ŠKODA cars they sell and from the service and repair work carried out through their After Sales Department. Sandra Dade, Paul Sartori Charity Manager said, “Fred Rees Garages is a prestigious, local, family run business of more than 90 years standing and It is wonderful that they have chosen the Paul Sartori Foundation as their official Charity Partner, and we look forward to working with Ralph Rees and the team at Fred Rees Garages.” There will be a number of fun and exciting charity events, jointly organised, and held at the Fred Rees Garages Showrooms, Haverfordwest. Ralph Rees, Director of Fred Rees Garages, added: “There are many worthwhile causes that require charitable support but I feel that the work that Paul Sartori Hospice at Home carry out within the local, Pembrokeshire community is not only to be admired but is much needed, and thereby ensures that any end of life care required can be administered in the comfort of one’s own home environment. As a long established Pembrokeshire business, I am proud that Fred Rees Garages will now be supporting this worthwhile Pembrokeshire Charity through ongoing charitable giving and through a range of charitable events held at our modern and attractive SKODA Showroom environment here at Haverfordwest.”