Brands at Work become Charity Partner of Meetings Needs

Brands at Work has become a charity partner of Meetings Needs, the events industry charity that has distributed £1 million to more than 287 charities across the globe. Rupert Lane, our global commercial director said: “As we grow we are developing our CSR activities and we were looking for an active charity to partner with. We were really impressed with the proactivity demonstrated by Meetings Needs both in the UK and overseas and we all felt that they are a worthy and relevant partner for Brands at Work. Over the coming months we will discussing next steps with the team, getting involved with the charity’s events and also planning our own activities.” The charity partnership means that Meetings Needs will be the preferred charity for all Brands at Work’s fundraising; the agency will be actively involved in the charity and also holding its own internal fundraising activities. Rupert Lane, global commercial director of Brands at Work, said: “As we grow we are developing our CSR activities and we were looking for an active charity to partner with. We were really impressed with the proactivity demonstrated by Meetings Needs both in the UK and overseas and we all felt that they are a worthy and relevant partner for Brands at Work. Over the coming months we will discussing next steps with the team, getting involved with the charity’s events and also planning our own activities.” Brands at Work was founded in 2011 by Karen Kadin and John Birger and is headquartered in London. Jason Wilcock, chair of Meeting Needs, said: “In such an important year for Meeting Needs we are delighted that Brands at Work has made us their preferred charity, they join an increasing number of Charity Partners who recognise the important work we do in the UK and overseas, helping to change the lives of those most in need. We are very excited to have Brands at Work with us and look forward to working with them and the wider events industry raising cash for worthy causes.” Meeting Needs celebrated its 15th birthday this year – with a vow to get bigger and better. The 15th anniversary coincided with another milestone for the charity – the distribution of £1 million to more than 287 charities in the UK and 68 countries across the globe since its formation in 2004. Jason Wilcock also revealed that the charity is aiming to increase the number of projects and worthy causes it donates to, as well as its presence in the industry.