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PokerStars UK Launches Campaign to Support Missing People

PokerStars UK Launches Campaign to Support Missing People

Campaign is the next step in Flutter’s #TogetherforMissing partnership with the UK charity

PokerStars UK, part of Flutter Entertainment, has launched a new campaign to support Missing People, the only charity in the UK dedicated to bringing the 176,000 children and adults that go missing every year back together with their families.

Flutter announced in June this year that it would be teaming up with Missing People in a partnership that involves utilising the collective reach of the Group’s UK brands, including Paddy Power, Betfair, Sky Bet and PokerStars UK to raise awareness and to boost the charity’s campaigns. The #TogetherforMissing partnership is seeded by a £150,000 donation from Flutter to support Missing People over a 12 month period.

PokerStars UK and Missing People launched their campaign on November 17 at a media event at London’s Hippodrome Casino, where PokerStars’ new Mega Series was also taking place. Guests saw a screening of a new campaign video to raise awareness of Missing People’s important work, and also heard from Sue Hammett, Flutter’s Group Head of CSR, Jo Youle, CEO of Missing People, and the parents of Anthony Stammers, missing since 2012.

The evening continued with a poker event for media and invited guests. PokerStars UK also launched a new deck of cards which are missing their Kings, Queens and Jacks, and display the Missing People helpline number for anyone who needs support. As well as being gifted to guests at the launch event, these limited-edition decks will be made available to players at PokerStars live events.

Sue Hammett, Group Head of CSR at the Flutter said, “It was a real delight to gather at the Hippodrome with the incredible attendees from Missing People, who work endlessly to help reunite loved ones. We were honoured to have the Stammers family with us who were brave enough to share their story.

This had an impact on everyone in the room and highlighted even further the importance of supporting Missing People. This is another important step in our relationship with Missing People and we hope that our support will continue to help reunite families across the UK!”

Jo Youle, CEO at Missing People, said: “Missing People is pleased to have the opportunity to work with Flutter to help reach an adult audience at high risk of going missing – men aged 18-39. Our support exists for any missing person, every day of the year. Through this partnership we will also be able to highlight adults who are missing. We know opportunities like this to get the message out means so much for families of missing people that the charity supports.”

Every ninety seconds someone is reported missing in the UK with men accounting for over 63% of missing adults. The scale and demographic of Flutter’s brands and audiences provides an opportunity for Missing People to reach and help more people than ever before. The work of Missing People saw more than 700 adults reported missing in 2020 found safe and well.

For more information, please visit


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